Made with love in Kennebunk, Maine
I retired from my professional career as a Human Resources Specialist in 2019. It was great for the first few months and then COVID hit. We had just relocated to our “forever home” Kennebunk Maine and I knew no one. Stuck at home with nothing to do I knew I had find something that would challenge and entertain me. So into the world of knitting I jumped. I have crocheted since I was a child so how hard could it be?
Fast forward 1 year and hours of YouTube videos and I was ready to test out the marketplace with my products. My husband Steve jumped on the bandwagon and we showed my products at craft fairs, the local artisans market place and even started a knitting group!
During the 2022 holiday season, we partnered with a local company specializing in outdoor apparel and sold 2 of my designs exclusively through them. The response was nothing short of spectacular. Which led me along with my husband Steve to create KNIT HAPPENS by KATHY. We are based in Kennebunk, Maine offering seasonal product lines of knitted Hats, Scarves, Ear Warmers and Holiday themed product including Christmas, Hanukah, Valentines and more.
All our products are made with love and design creativity with an entrepreneurial spirit and a personal joy of serving and helping people in our communities near & far. Looking good while staying warm is our goal!
Discounts on bulk purchases is available. Retail accounts are welcome for most of our products.
If you are a retail business, interested in finding out more of ‘what we can do to meet your seasonal apparel needs’ contact us today!